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阿拉贡的凯瑟琳(Catherine of Aragon)王后 (1509年6月11日结婚,1533年取消婚姻;死于1536年1月6日)


安妮·博林(Anne Boleyn)王后 (1533年1月25日结婚;1536年5月19日被处死)


珍·西摩(Jane Seymour)王后 (1536年5月30日结婚;1537年10月25日产后十二天去世)


克里维斯的安妮(Anne of Cleves)王后 (原为德国公主,1540年1月6日结婚;1540年离婚;死于1557年7月17日)(传说这位女王面貌丑陋,生性传统,信奉路德教,亨利八世曾对这位新王后充满期望,可似乎,安妮的到来让亨利八世更为失望。)


凯瑟琳·霍华德(Catherine Howard)王后 (1540年7月28日结婚;1541年离婚;1542年2月13日被处死)(曾是玛丽一世年轻时代的侍女,曾积极奉劝玛丽原谅父亲亨利,可是这并不奏效,玛丽一直坚持己见,而后凯瑟琳嫁给了亨利八世,成为他第五位王后,但终因政治上的纷争,顾虑,亨利八世不得不将其判为乱伦罪处死)


凯瑟琳·帕尔(Catherine Parr)王后 (1543年7月12日结婚;亨利八世死于1547年1月28日;她再婚嫁给托马斯·西摩,新国王爱德华六世的舅父,并于1548年9月5日去世)


亨利八世(英文:Henry Ⅷ,1491年6月28日—1547年1月28日)是都铎王朝第二任君主(1509年4月22日-1547年1月28日在位),英格兰与爱尔兰的国王。他是英王亨利七世与伊丽莎白王后的次子。






  亨利八世是英国国王,1509——1547年在位,他可是个“大”家伙。不管做什么事情儿,他都有一个追求,那就是要大大大。他花钱大手大脚,胃口大的惊人(他肚子也很大 ,充分证明了他有个大胃口),唉,他还有一张大嘴。作为一位有特色的国王,他居然认为法律呀、法律呀,这些都是为别人定制的。在他那个年代里,离婚根本就是闻所未闻的事儿,而他竟然前后有六位妻子;因为他自觉凌驾在法律之上,于是掀起了世界历史上最大的政治剧变之一。大汉克统治英国长达38年之久,他在位期间,每每做事,都不免闹出大动静来。




Henry VIII (English: Henry VIII, June 28, 1991 - January 28, 1547) was the second monarch of the Tudor dynasty (April 22, 1509 - January 28, 1547), England With the king of Ireland. He was the second son of King Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth.

Henry VII after the death of Henry VIII in April 22, 1509 to inherit the throne.

As the second king of the Tudor dynasty, also the Irish lord, and later became the king of Ireland. Henry VIII, in order to divorce his wife to marry a new queen, and then the Roman Pope against the implementation of religious reform, and through a number of important bills to allow themselves to marry another, and then the British bishop of the Archbishop of the British Church, the British Church from Rome The Holy See, became the highest religious leader in England, and the dissolution of the monastery, so that the power of the British royal family thus reached its peak. During his reign, he joined Wales into England.

On January 28, 1547, Henry VIII died at the Whitehorn Palace, buried in St. George's Church in Windsor, and buried with his third wife, Jane Seymour. His only legitimate son Edward VI according to the third "throne succession law", inherited its throne.


Life background

Henry's father Henry VII, is the descendants of England's Lancaster royal family, in 1485, Henry VII in the Bossworth battle to defeat Richard III, then king ascended the throne, into England, Wales and Ireland, the establishment of both Tuo dynasty. In order to ease the political contradictions and strengthen their legitimacy as the king, on January 18, 1886, at the Westminster Abbey in London, Henry VII with the York Dynasty Edward IV daughter Elizabeth held a wedding ceremony.

On June 28, 1991, Henry was born in the Placencia Palace in the Greenwich district of London, the third child of Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth. Before his birth, Queen Elizabeth had given birth to the eldest son of Wales Prince Arthur Tudor, the eldest daughter Margaret Tudor princess.


Henry was well educated since childhood, and the poet Skelton was his teacher, and when he was a little longer he met and consulted the people of Elasmo and some Renaissance celebrities. He knows Latin, French, Italian and some Spanish, Greek, loves poetry and can play music. He also likes hunting and is good at equestrian, archery, wrestling, and royal tennis.

In 1493, Henry was sealed as the governor of Dover and the five-port coalition chief. In 1494, Henry was called the Duke of York.

1501 years, Henry VII for the eldest son of Arthur to marry the Spanish princess Aragon Catherine to conclude the alliance with the king of Aragon King Ferdinand II and Castilla Queen Isabella I.

1502 years, Arthur and Catherine married four months after the sudden death of Arthur. As the brother of Joseph's premature death, 12-year-old Henry became the heir to the throne, successor Prince of Wales.

To continue to maintain a friendly relationship with Spain through marriage, Henry VII persuaded Catherine to stay and to join Kathleen for the second son of Henry.

At the time, the marriage violated the Catholic teachings, Aragon's Catherine declared himself not with the house of Arthur. Later, Catherine's mother, Isabella I, sought the Pope's order to allow the marriage.

1505 years, Henry VII did not want to continue with the Spanish Union, so the Prince of Wales Henry announced that he did not agree with the marriage of Catherine, Spain and the United Kingdom for diplomatic mediation, marriage was not lifted.

Ascended the throne

On April 21, 1509, Henry VII died.

June 11, 1509, Henry and Catherine officially held a wedding ceremony.

On June 24, 1509, Henry held a coronation ceremony at Westminster in London, inheriting the throne, for Henry VIII.

The young king Henry VIII, burly, can text to Wu. In the early years of his reign, some of his actions were influenced by the new thought of the Renaissance. He wrote two books, and also wrote poetry, he ascended the throne soon created folk "green sleeves" become popular songs.

Henry VIII personally visited Thomas Utah, the author of Utopia (Thomas Moore was finally sent to the guillotine for refusing to accept Henry VIII's religious reform) and had appointed him as a close friend.

He also supports the maintenance of British judicial power, opposing the intervention of the Holy See, claiming that "in Britain except the king, the king is the supreme authority."

Henry VIII once created the British Royal Navy, he ordered the construction of fast and flexible new warships, the artillery installed in the cabin inside, and equipped with specialized fighting sailors, and the construction of several navy dedicated dock. He issued a charter in Trinidad in 1514, making it specialized in the maritime industry and has the right to tax the nautical and set the lighthouse.

Henry VIII was also influenced by the feudal aristocratic traditions. He spent a lot of time with the aristocratic knights contest, hunting, play, do not want to deal with daily business. He promulgated a decree, strict provisions of the nobility in the dress on the level of distinction between the prohibition of civilians in the dress fair more than the move. He often shows his king's style at the court event to conquer the ministers and guests.

1517 Henry VIII in Greenwich held knight contest contest, when he played gold armor, cover inlaid with colored jewelry purple satin gown, crotch horses also gold hanging silver. A foreign envoy exclaimed, "The wealth and civilization of the world are here, and some people regard England as a barbarian land, and in my opinion they are barbarians.

Six marriages

First marriage

Aragon's Catherine is the first queen of Henry VIII, Catherine is the widow of Henry VIII's brother, that is, Henry VIII's sister-in-law.

Queen Catherine has aborted several times, a baby girl prematurely, three boys died. The only surviving child, Mary Tudor, was born on February 18, 1516 at the Pleistia Palace in London, which was later known as "Bloody Mary" by Mary I.

In 1525, Henry VIII found that Catherine could not give birth to his male heir and had an affair with the waitress Anne Boleyn (also known as Antiphor). Henry VIII to the Bible that brother married brother and sister who would have no future generations to request a divorce. But Catherine insisted that he was a queen, refused to divorce with Henry VIII. Because Catherine is a Spanish princess, so the pope did not approve Henry divorce. So Henry VIII to let the judge Wolsey and the Pope to negotiate, hoping to get the consent of the Pope. With the Pope's failure to negotiate Wolsey was exiled, Wal-Mart's successor, Thomas Moore, was soon removed from office by Thomas Kramer as archbishop of Canterbury.

In January 1533, in the absence of the Pope's permission, Henry VIII secretly married Anne Boleyn, the Pope announced the expulsion of Henry. As a retaliation, the British Parliament immediately legislated from the Holy See, Archbishop Cran Mai then declared Henry and Catherine's marriage invalid, and Anne Boleyn's marriage legal.

Second marriage

Henry VIII's second queen Anne Boleyn, according to BBC British history description, Anne Boleyn's sister Mary Boleyn is Henry VIII's mistress. Anne went to France to return after studying, into the British court, Henry VIII and she fell in love.

On June 1, 1533, Anne Bolin was crowned Queen of England. Catherine was deprived of the title of the queen, and imprisoned in a next manor. Mary Tudor was also relegated to an illegitimate daughter, not allowed to meet with her mother.

In September 1533, Anne Bolin gave birth to her daughter Elizabeth, that is, later "virgin queen" Elizabeth I. The same is because Anne did not give birth to his son, Henry VIII in turn transferred his mind to Anne's waitress Jane Seymour's body.

In 1536, Henry VIII ordered the arrest of Anne Boleyn and her brother's brother George. George was charged with his three friends aloof Anne Boleyn and planned to assassinate the king. George and his friend were executed, and Anne Boleyn was sentenced to adultery with his brother, and was imprisoned in the Tower of London.

May 19, 1536 Anne was beheaded. Henry VIII declared himself and Anne Boleyn's marriage was invalid.

Third marriage

May 30, 1536, Henry VIII and Jane Seymour held his third wedding.

On June 4, 1536 she was publicly declared a queen, but she was not officially crowned because of the spread of the plague in London at that time.

On October 12, 1537, Edward Tudor (later Edward VI), the son of Jane Seymour, was born in the room of the Hampton County in Middlesex, the king Henry VIII and the England royal family Looking forward to the male heir. Jane Seymour in the postpartum recovery quickly, sent in 1536 signed the second "throne succession law", officially announced "by His Majesty the King and me between the legitimate marriage of the birth of the prince." England in the country jubilant, the church singing "praise ode", the city lit bonfire, to celebrate the birth of Edward.

However, on October 23, 1537, Jane Simo bursts of puerperal fever and died the next night. Henry VIII in the letter to the French king of Francois I mentioned, "... ... she brought joy to me, but it is mixed with the pain of her death.

Fourth marriage

The painter Hans Holby came to England in 1532 to escape the religious war in Europe and was hired as a court painter. He recommended Henry Ann to Princess Anne, a small country between France and Nederland. Although Henry VIII did not like the appearance of Princess Anne, the two were married on January 6, 1540. Because Henry Henry VIII hated Anne queen, do not want to touch her, turn to the pursuit of Queen Anne's waitress Catherine Howard (Anne Boleyn's cousin).

Henry VIII once again made himself and Anne Queen's marriage invalid, demanding divorce. He gave Anne "king's sister" title, and gave her a lot of money, let her in the British seclusion. In July 1540, Queen Anne and Henry VIII divorced, and later lived in London until 1557 died.

Fifth marriage

On July 28, 1540, Henry VIII married Catherine Howard. But Catherine married and Minister Thomas Carphepper had an affair, also appointed former lover Francis Dillham as secretary. Someone confessed Catherine's contact with others to Thomas Cramer, then Archbishop of Canterbury, who was adulterated to Henry.

Henry VIII arrested all the lovers of Catherine. In 1543, Catherine was hanged.

Sixth marriage

In 1543, the old Henry eventually married Catherine Parr in the court for his sixth wife. Catherine Parr was a widow married twice, and her religious view was radical, and Henry was a conservative. They often argued that several times almost let her die, but she always make concessions in time.

Affected by the queen, Henry and two daughters Mary, Elizabeth reconciliation. Catherine Pale takes Henry's children, Mary, Elizabeth and Edward to take care of them so that they are well educated. She also took good care of the old age sick, easy to anger Henry.

Suspicion of old age

Henry VIII was overweight in his later years, and once he was wounded on horseback, he was stunned and questionable.

He was arrested by the rebel leader Norfolk Norfolk, etc., ready to be executed, but not yet implemented, Henry VIII to facilitate the January 28, 1547 died at the Whitehorn Palace in Windsor, the appointment of sixteen major reformists The new aristocracy formed the Privy Council, which assisted the 9-year-old Edward VI to inherit his throne.

Henry VIII was buried in St. George's Church in Windsor, and was buried with his third wife, Jane Seymour.

Henry VIII died ten years later, the three legitimate children are sitting on the British throne, but no heirs.


During the reign of Henry VIII, the practice of religious reform, the British Church from the Holy See, became the highest religious leader in England, the national government agencies made a comprehensive reform in Europe to balance the interests of foreign policy to protect their own political and economic interests. These modern countries, which have led to great changes in the social and economic situation, political system, culture, ideology and religion of the United Kingdom, have created favorable conditions for the further development of capitalist factors. In this process Henry VIII played an important role as an autocratic monarch with unprecedented power.



阿拉贡的凯瑟琳(Catherine of Aragon)王后 (1509年6月11日结婚,1533年取消婚姻;死于1536年1月6日)


安妮·博林(Anne Boleyn)王后 (1533年1月25日结婚;1536年5月19日被处死)


珍·西摩(Jane Seymour)王后 (1536年5月30日结婚;1537年10月25日产后十二天去世)


克里维斯的安妮(Anne of Cleves)王后 (原为德国公主,1540年1月6日结婚;1540年离婚;死于1557年7月17日)(传说这位女王面貌丑陋,生性传统,信奉路德教,亨利八世曾对这位新王后充满期望,可似乎,安妮的到来让亨利八世更为失望。)


凯瑟琳·霍华德(Catherine Howard)王后 (1540年7月28日结婚;1541年离婚;1542年2月13日被处死)(曾是玛丽一世年轻时代的侍女,曾积极奉劝玛丽原谅父亲亨利,可是这并不奏效,玛丽一直坚持己见,而后凯瑟琳嫁给了亨利八世,成为他第五位王后,但终因政治上的纷争,顾虑,亨利八世不得不将其判为乱伦罪处死)


凯瑟琳·帕尔(Catherine Parr)王后 (1543年7月12日结婚;亨利八世死于1547年1月28日;她再婚嫁给托马斯·西摩,新国王爱德华六世的舅父,并于1548年9月5日去世)


亨利八世(英语:Henry VIII,1491年6月28日-1547年1月28日),是英格兰亨利七世次子,都铎王朝第二任国王,1509年4月22日继位。他也是爱尔兰领主,后来更成为爱尔兰国王。













