滕王阁诗 [唐]王勃滕王高阁临江渚,佩玉鸣鸾罢歌舞。画栋朝飞南浦云,珠帘暮卷西山雨。The towering Tengwang Pavilion overlooks the river sandbars.The singing and dancing has stopped with the jingling jades and bells.In the
morning, the light clouds from Nanpu pass by the ornamented buildings.In the evening, the curtains of pearls are flapping with the West Mountain's rains. 闲云潭影日悠悠,物换星移几度秋。
阁中帝子今何在?槛外长江空自流。The white clouds with their reflections in the pool float leisurely every day.
I don't know how many personnel changes and autumns have passed away.Where on earth is the King of Teng,who had the pavilion built,today?Outside the railings,only
the surging river of Gan still runs vainly away. [作者简介]王勃(约650年-约676年),字子安,古绛州龙门(今山西河津)人,唐代文学家、“初唐四杰”之首。 王勃自幼聪敏好学,六岁即能写文章,被赞为“神童”。九岁时,读颜师古注《汉书》,作《指瑕》十卷以纠正其错。十六岁时,应幽素科试及第,授职朝散郎。因《斗鸡檄》被赶出沛王府。后求补得虢州参军,在参军任上二次被贬。上元三年(676年)八月,不幸渡海溺水惊悸而死。王勃在诗歌体裁上擅长五律和五绝,主要文学成就是骈文。代表作品有《送杜少府之任蜀州》《滕王阁序》等。